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GREEN Chemicals® Co. exports more than 30 countries and continues its commercial activities in Turkey, Turkish Speaking Countries, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and Balkan Countries. GREEN Chemicals® as a technical solution partner, also supplies products to half of the top 100 industrial companies in Turkey.
As of 2020, GREEN Chemicals® is among Turkey’s 1000 biggest industrial enterprises.
To provide service for a sustainable world with our unique industrial solutions.
To provide sustainable products and services to the production processes of our business partners with our R&D power and solution-oriented approach.
Innovation & Sustainability
Solution Oriented Approach

WET-Treat®Industrial Water Treatment Chemicals
GEO-Treat®Geothermal Treatment Chemicals
MET-Treat®Metal Surface Treatment Chemicals
OIL-Treat®Oil and Gas Treatment Chemicals
WELL-Treat®Well and Drilling Chemicals
MINE-Treat®Mining Sites Treatment Chemicals
WASTE-Treat®Waste Water Treatment Chemicals
ORGANIC-Treat®Organic Chemicals and Raw Materials
GREEN ADH-Tech®Industrial Adhesives Product Group
TreatON®Automation Systems

She started his professional sports life with volleyball at the age of 11 in the VB sports club and continued with the Department of Coaching at Gazi University for 10 years, started cycling during the treatment phase of injury and engaged in professio